헬멧 압력분포 시스템
PPS의 헤드밴드 센서 시스템은 헬멧의 크기 조절 장치를 평가하여 사용자가 압력점을 측정하고 시각화 할 수 있는 바이크/스키 센서 시스템입니다.
Headband Sensor System during Testing
Designed for companies that make helmets for ski or bikes, the Headband Sensor System is used by designers looking to balance fit and comfort in their helmet designs. The Headband Sensor System allows designers to quantify and visualize contact pressures deploying versatile designs and can accommodate a range of head sizes for mannequins or human subjects. The Headband Sensor System is the only sensor technology that can meet the requirements of this application given the requirement to resolve to low pressures and conform to complex shapes around the head without sacrificing accuracy or repeatability performance.
The Headband Sensor System includes one headband tactile sensor assembly that consists of two sensors, one on each side of the head, joined by an elastic band.
Using the included T4500 interface electronics with USB 2.0 to attach to a computer, the system runs PPS’s Chameleon image capture and analysis software. This industry-leading software is fully featured which means it can export replay, save test data, and perform analysis functions. Chameleon can also record and playback video with your data results for even greater insight and analysis.
시스템 핵심 기능과 장점:
The Sensor is designed as a band. Two sensors, one on each side of the head, joined by an elastic band create a sensor pattern that fully covers the headband region for valuable data collection about helmet comfort and fit.
High resolution, sensitive, and conformable sensor can collect data from a curved human head shape without sacrificing accuracy or reliability.
Sensors can capture extremely low pressures. Helmet pressures are typically very small but can cause severe discomfort during extended use, so high pressure resolution is needed.
Sensors are accurate and repeatable even for complex head shapes so users can quantify comfort and fit testing for optimized product design.
Optional API enables creation of custom visualization software.
PPS의 정전용량방식 센서 기술을 통해, 재보정이나 반복적인 테스트에 소요되는 시간을 절약하고 결과를 개선할 수 있어 문제를 더욱 신속히 해결하거나 필요한 데이터를 더욱 쉽게 구할 수 있습니다. 기존의 저항방식의 촉감 센서 기술보다 반복성은 두 배, 최소 감지압력은 5배, 정밀도는 50% 더 향상되었습니다.
카멜레온(Chameleon) TVR은 고품질 시각화 기능, 직관적이고 다양한 데이터 분석툴 등 모든 기본 내용을 처음 누구나 쉽게 다룰수 있도록 사용의 편의성을 극대화한 소프트웨어입니다. 필요한 기능을 유료로 업그레이드해야 하는 타사의 기존 제품군과 달리 모든 시스템 안에 내보내기, 다시 재생, 저장, 분석 기능을 모두 기본으로 제공해드립니다.