Finger TPS II - Finger Pressure Sensor System
The FingerTPS™ is a set of wearable finger sensors that enable you to measure grip, touch, and other hand forces. A more affordable alternative to the 택타일글러브(TactileGlove), this easy-to-use system captures high-quality data in a natural and organic form-factor.
Finger Sensor Features:
복잡한 손가락 구조에도 정확하고 민감하며 반복 가능한 데이터로 설계 또는 연구할 수 있습니다.
Comfortable, naturally wearable and minimally-intrusive system allows for full range of motion and ensures natural hand manipulation research.
Plug and play—no configuration needed. Just place on the hand, calibrate the sensors and Chameleon auto-detects your hand configuration.
소형 무선 Bluetooth 전자 장치는 최소한의 선으로 간단하고 사용하기 쉬운 설정을 제공합니다.
Connect two wrist and finger assemblies at the same time for two handed operations.
Various finger sensor sizes available, see sizing chart for details.
제품 설명
For product designers and researchers who work to optimize product ergonomics by quantifying user interactions, PPS's Finger Tactile Pressure Sensing (FingerTPS™) System is the ideal measurement tool. The FingerTPS™ System utilizes highly sensitive capacitive-based pressure sensors to reliably quantify forces applied by the human hand on objects. Along with its comfortable and slim design, FingerTPS™ uses wireless Bluetooth® connectivity to enable more natural operation without cumbersome wiring. When used with PPS's powerful Chameleon™ Tactile Visualization and Recording (TVR) software, the FingerTPS™ System can be easily reconfigured and recalibrated for different uses of the hands on the fly.
The FingerTPS™ quantifies palm & finger pressure distribution to optimize the hand ergonomics. You can use the finger sensors to quantify the effort exerted while gripping, grasping, or performing other hand tasks. You can comfortably and naturally capture data with a full range of motion, performing actions as you normally would. High-resolution data measurement, best in class sensors, and ease of use make this one of the best hand and finger pressure measurement systems for engineers, designers, and researchers.
응용 사례
FingerTPS ™ 시스템은 손이나 손에 가해지는 힘을 측정해야하는 거의 모든 응용 분야에 적용 할 수 있습니다.
산업 디자인에서 사용자 상호 작용 테스트
인적 요인 및 인체공학 제품 테스트
손의 생리학 및 근골격 연구
작업자 안전성 평가
재활 및 직업치료
운동, 피트니스 또는 스포츠 성능 평가
Fingertip Pressure Profiling and Finger Pressure Mapping
인체공학적 키보드 디자인 설계
수동 포트 / 피팅 설계 (포트 및 기계식 피팅 끼우기에서 손가락에 가해지는 스트레스 측정)
사용자와 개발 장비와의 터치 인터페이스 연구
로봇 촉각 측정 연구
파지력 측정 및 연구
그외 등등
RESEARCH ARTICLE - Swing Type and Batting Grip Affect Peak Pressures on the Hook of Hamate in Collegiate Baseball Players - 12월 2021 - Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - Download
RESEARCH ARTICLE - An evaluation of the contact forces on the fingers when squeezing a spherical rehabilitation ball - 2월 2019 - National Library of Medicine - Download
RESEARCH ARTICLE - Quantifying force application to a newborn manikin during simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation - 7월 2015 - National Library of Medicine
RESEARCH ARTICLE - From Robot to Human Grasping Simulation - 9월 2014 - ResearchGate
구성 품(System Components)
2개의 FingerTPSTM 센서(보이는 센서6중 2 개)
BLE Module
블루투스 동글
손목 모듈
교정용 기준 로드셀
센서 특성 및 성능(Sensor Characteristics and Performance)
힘 측정 범위(Force Range) | 4.4 lbs (2 kg) |
정확도 | 0.1% |
신호대 잡음(Signal-to-Noise (SNR)) | 1000:1 |
비 반복성(Gain Non-Repeatability) | 1% |
출력 선형성(Linearity) | 99% |
Accuracy Error | Less than 5% |
센서 두께(Sensor Thickness) | 0.08 in (1.5 m) |
센서 케이블 길이(Cable Length) | 59 in (1.5 m) |
무게(Weight) | 0.12 lbs (55 g) |
전자사양(Electronic Specifications)
스캔 속도(Scan Rate) | 25 - 40 Hz |
PC와 연결 방법(Interconnection) | Wireless Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) - Maximum 5m range |
Battery Life | > 2 Hours |
인가 전압 및 소비전력(Input Voltage / Power) | 3.7 V / 2.5 W |
사용 온도(Operating Temperature) | 5 - 40 °C |
Battery Capacity | 250 mAh |
자주 묻는 질문
1.How many sensors come with a purchase of a FingerTPS System?
Your choice of any two finger sensors come with one system, so you can for example order index finger and thumb, or palm sensor and any one finger. You may order additional finger sensors, if you need.
2. Is the FingerTPS System one-size fits all?
The sensors are offered in various sizes from XS to L. Please refer to the FingerTPS™ Sizing Chart to determine the best sized finger sensor for you.
3. Can I use a FingerTPS sensor on any finger?
That will depend on the difference between the individual fingers. If, for example, your ring finger and middle finger are a similar size, you can use the same sensor for either of them. We would not suggest using a smaller finger sensor on a larger finger as stretching the sensor cloth casing may damage the sensor. Using a larger sensor for a smaller finger might, on the other hand, provide inaccurate data. However, you can swap the sensor system between right hand and left hand.
4. Where is the sensing elements located on the finger sensors?
The sensing elements are located in an oval shape at the bottom fingertip of each sensor. No sensing elements are located on the back of the sensor.
5. You say this is wireless but there are wires on the FingerTPS System?
The system is wireless in that it does not need to be connected to the computer via wires. The system connects to the computer over Bluetooth®.
6. What is the wireless Bluetooth® range of the FingerTPS System?
You can use the system up to 5 meters from the computer in which the Bluetooth® dongle is attached.
7. Are the finger sensors waterproof?
No, the FingerTPS™ elements are not waterproof.
8. How often does the FingerTPS require calibration?
The capacitive based sensing modality of PPS sensors results in an extremely stable sensor with superior reliability and repeatability. With proper use and care, the FingerTPS™ should retain its calibration for years.